Hanging Wallpaper In Difficult Locations

Wallpapering – like painting – is a DIY job that many homeowners prefer to do by themselves. It is a great opportunity to improve your DIY skill and experience, as the job is fairly straightforward, although it can be time consuming, depending on the size of the room. There are, however, some areas that are a little more difficult than others to hang wallpaper. This article examines how to hang wallpaper around a door frame and around a light switch or electrical socket.

Around A Door Frame

Hang the wallpaper in the usual way until you can meet the edge of the frame with the next section of wallpaper. When you get to this stage, stop and measure the distance from the frame to the last sheet of wallpaper. Allow an extra couple of centimeters as a buffer.

Next, cut a length of the wallpaper to this measurement. Add the paste to the paper and place it on the wall, taking care to match up any patterns.

From here, use a paper hanging brush (it will be wide with soft bristles) to smooth out the paper to the frame. It should slightly overlap the frame. Use a rounded tool – the backside of wallpaper scissors is ideal – and lightly press down the length of the inside of the frame. Peel back the wallpaper, cut along this mark, and use the brush to flatten the paper back out. It should be a perfect fit. Remove any glue that is on the frame and the scissors.

Around A Light Switch

This is another great way to avoid trouble when papering around a light switch. Hang the paper as normal over the wall, including over the light switch. Brush the paper down with the wallpaper brush; you should be able to make a very slight indentation on the paper that is around the switch.

Secure the paper over the switch with one hand and make a point or mark at each corner using your other hand and a pencil. Take a pair of scissors and pierce these holes. Then, carefully cut in a straight line from one hole to the next.

Once done, carefully pull the flaps back. Trim the flaps and allow a buffer of around a centimeter all the way around the perimeter.

Next, unscrew the light switch fittings and gently pull the switch outwards. Then ease it through the gap you have made. Use the brush to flatten down the excess trim you made and then carefully put the switch back into position. Finally, screw the switch back in place.

Hanging wallpaper around an electrical socket uses the same process as the light switch.

For more assistance with hanging wallpaper in your home, contact a residential painting company like Dyson Painters.
